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  1. Switch with confidence.

    We know comparing broadband is difficult, so we’ve partnered with FDM to help you navigate the price increases. To give you extra peace of mind all our packages come with a 3 month satisfaction guarantee, up to four times longer compared to the average offered by BT, Sky, Virgin Media, Talk Talk, Vodafone, Plusnet, and EE.*

  1. Virgin, BT and Sky, up to 7.9% price rises

    Avoid in-contract price hikes.

    Every year, major providers raise prices mid-contract, exceeding inflations rates and potentially landing you with a 7.9% increase in your bill. Unlike them, we promise that your monthly fee won't increase for the duration of your contract.

Compare us against BT.

Customers choosing G.Network Gigafast 1Gb would save £167 in the first 18 months vs BT Full Fibre 900.**

Compare us against Virgin.

Customers choosing G.Network Gigafast 1Gb would save £150 in the first 18 months vs Virgin Media Gig1.**

How do we compare to Sky.

Customers choosing G.Network Gigafast 1Gb would save £150 in the first 18 months vs Sky Gigafast.**

How do we compare to Talk Talk.

Customers choosing G.Network Gigafast 1Gb would save £204 in the first 18 months vs TalkTalk Full Fibre 900.**

We're ready when you are.

Switch now.

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Important Bits.

* 3 months satisfaction guarantee

New customers can terminate their service within the first three months without cancellation charges by providing a 30-day notice. Certain Promotional Products and Offers are excluded, see separate offer terms fr details.

G. Network's satisfaction guarantee is up to four times longer compared to the average offered by BT, Sky, Virgin Media, Talk Talk, Vodafone, Plusnet, and EE. This claim has been independently verified by FDM.

** Comparison details

Based on pricing data independently checked and verified by FDM (25.01.24). Contracts will run in to 2025 and may include price rises in April 2025 that cannot currently be foreseen. Comparisons therefore indicate an “Expected Contract Cost” based on current prices, excluding potential future price rises.

Standard prices and charges list

See the standard price list of our prices and charges.

See price list